Flix Lite Golf Combo 3 Ball Pack

See price table tab below for pricing

SKU: SM5175682

Additional information


£10 – £15


12 working days


Tees : 35mm x 13mm or 28mm x 13mm. Ball Marker : 23mm. Golf Balls : 22mm or 24mm


Combo Pack : 132mm x 81mm x 46mm


Tees : up to 3 PMS colours. Ball Marker : CMYK full colour. Balls : CMYK full colour OR up to 5 PMS colours.


Balls can be upgraded to Titleist, Srixon or other Wilson balls for extra costs, along with up to 3 pole positions on the balls. For any order under 100 packs the balls will be printed CMYK or if logo is a gradient the balls will always be printed CMYK. Small order charges apply for any order under 48 packs which is £15 per logo if you have the default balls


Tees : White (default colour), Black, Dark Blue, Light Blue, Red, Yellow, Neon Yellow, Baby Pink, Neon Pink, Silver, Gold, Dark Grey, Green, Dark Green, Neon Green, Natural. Tool : Black, White, Red, Light Blue, Royal Blue, Pink, Orange, Green

