Premium Classic Crew Sustainable Socks

See price table tab below for pricing

SKU: SM3598134

Additional information


Did you know that we are the first company in our business segment to have our products evaluated by BCome‘s Cradle to Gate platform? Their methodology includes procedures that evaluate the degree of sustainability of Kingly’s products. It provides a 360-degree vision of sustainability, understanding that behind each product there is a universe of development processes with environmental, social and economic and ethical implications.Kingly can provide sustainable reports for all of our best-selling products. They give our customers information about our best practices when it comes to water consumption and minimizing carbon emissions. They can also find information about the total amount of km this product travels until it gets to the final customer. Our customers can even learn how many people are involved in the process of creating these sustainably made products.


Aprox 4 weeks.


£2 – £5


